It is not unusual for disability applicants to resume some work, often part time, while their application for disability is pending. The most common reason offered for this is that a person simply cannot survive economically without doing something productive during the two and a half to three years that it often takes to have …
How to Dress for Success at Your Disability Hearing
When you have a hearing coming up in your Social Security Disability case, you need to present yourself to the administrative law judge in the right way. This, after all, is one of the most important moments in your case. It’s your chance to explain persuasively how your health problems keep you from working and …
Why Age Is So Important In Deciding Whether A Person Is Disabled
We are sometimes asked why a person’s age is so important in determining whether that person is disabled. The reason has to do with certain rules that the agency uses to help judges be more consistent in their decision-making, known as Medical —Vocational Rules, or grid rules. The underlying premise of these rules is that …
What To Expect From The Vocational Expert At Your Disability Hearing
At your disability hearing, there will be a vocational expert, to help the judge understand how your limitations might affect your ability to work. Sometimes the vocational expert is in the room, and sometimes he is on the telephone. Though the vocational expert is often referred to as “doctor,” he is not a medical doctor. …