For those struggling with the debilitating effects of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), one of the biggest challenges can be making ends meet financially. When excessive fatigue, brain fog, muscle pain, and other symptoms render you unable to work and earn an income, you may wonder, “Is chronic fatigue syndrome considered a disability?” and whether you qualify for benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Generally speaking, you may qualify for such benefits, but securing disability approvals for chronic fatigue syndrome can be an uphill battle with the SSA. While CFS is indeed a legitimate and sometimes severely disabling condition, it remains difficult to properly document and substantiate within the SSA’s listing of impairments and evaluation process.
The SSA has no medical listing category that precisely correlates to all the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. As such, CFS claims often face higher levels of scrutiny from claims examiners and judges looking for objective evidence of functional limitations caused by fatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain, memory issues, and other manifestations. A Social Security Disability lawyer from Pilzer Klein can help you file your claim and gather evidence to support it.
What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a complex, debilitating disorder characterized by profound, persistent fatigue that limits the ability to engage in normal daily activities. Beyond severe exhaustion, CFS often involves a range of other symptoms, including:
- Impaired memory and concentration
- Unrefreshing sleep
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain without swelling or redness
- Frequent headaches
- Tender lymph nodes
- Sore throat
The cause of CFS remains unknown, though theories suggest it could stem from viral infections, psychological stress, or a combination of factors. The fatigue level is so severe that simply performing basic tasks like bathing or cooking meals can be difficult. Many people with CFS are rendered completely bedridden during flare-ups.
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864-235-0234Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’s Disability Consideration
In evaluating cases involving chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), the SSA can determine if this condition meets the criteria to qualify for disability in two main ways:
- Meeting a Listed Condition: The SSA may approve a disability claim for CFS if symptoms match those of a listed impairment category such as Inflammatory Arthritis, Polymyositis, or Immune System Disorders. Detailed medical evidence of associated symptoms like ongoing joint pain, fatigue after minor activity, fever, and others is key.
- Residual Functional Capacity Assessment: If chronic fatigue symptoms do not precisely meet any listing, an RFC assessment can also potentially qualify based on the limiting effects and impact on the ability to work. RFCs analyze to what degree fatigue, pain, concentration issues, and other impairments interfere with work activities.
The SSA considers chronic fatigue a disability if symptoms have persisted for at least 12 months and available treatments have been unsuccessful in providing relief. Providing medical evidence for individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and describing daily limitations is crucial for approval.
Given the complex and subjective nature of chronic fatigue syndrome, guidance from a Social Security disability lawyer can help. We can explain how Social Security determines disability. Then, we can assist in gathering the appropriate evidence and compiling a persuasive claim showing CFS prevents sustaining any gainful employment.
How a Social Security Disability Lawyer Can Help With a Claim Involving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The subjective nature of CFS can complicate the approval process for Social Security Disability benefits. Without clearly identifiable diagnostic tests or clinical markers, proving the condition is not the result of other issues like depression, anxiety or deconditioning presents challenges. Many initial claims for chronic fatigue syndrome disabilities get denied.
Perseverance and strategic claim development hold the keys to potentially qualifying for Social Security disability with a chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis. With proper documentation from medical providers detailing daily limitations and adherence to strict technical requirements from the SSA, approval on initial application or through appeals remains possible.
Working with a disability lawyer well-versed in chronic fatigue syndrome claims and SSA regulations provides the greatest opportunity for success. A lawyer from Pilzer Klein can ensure no stone goes unturned in collecting the objective evidence needed and compellingly arguing how your condition prevents you from maintaining gainful employment.
Partnering With Doctors for Objective Evidence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Due to the lack of definitive medical tests for chronic fatigue syndrome and the subjective nature of symptoms like fatigue and brain fog, having a disability lawyer collaborate closely with your treating physicians is vital. Medical documentation represents the backbone of any successful CFS disability claim.
A Social Security Disability lawyer will consult directly with the doctors monitoring and treating your chronic fatigue syndrome. They ensure your medical records contain all the detailed evidence required by the SSA, such as:
- Extensive notes on the history, progression, and characteristics of your fatigue along with documented periods of incapacitation
- Results from any lab tests, imaging, or other diagnostic measures ruling out other potential conditions
- Listing of all attempted treatments and medications, along with their lack of restorative impact
- Professional medical opinions from providers on the disabling extent and permanence of your functional limitations
- Specific records on how fatigue, muscle pain, memory issues, and other impairments affect your daily activities
This partnering between your lawyer and medical team is about converting subjective symptoms into quantifiable data points that align with the SSA’s listing criteria and residual functional capacity assessments—the more documented evidence of disability, the better chance of approval. Beyond just medical records, your lawyer may have providers complete special questionnaires and functional assessment forms detailing exactly how chronic fatigue limits your physical and mental capabilities for work. This turns symptoms into calculated restrictions.
Contact our social security disability lawyers today
864-235-0234Call Us for Help With a Social Security Disability Claim Involving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
While chronic fatigue syndrome claims are inherently complicated, a Social Security Disability law firm can help extract the strongest objective evidence from your medical team. Such documentation comprises the foundation for proving your condition is disabling per SSA regulations.
The attorneys with Pilzer Klein are here to guide you through the claims process. We offer free initial consultations to help you understand your options. Contact us now to get started.
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