When you work hard and pay into Social Security, you deserve to make use of those funds if you are ever injured. Being sick or injured while bills pile up can be upsetting if your condition keeps you from working. Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits may seem easy at first, but it can be complicated without experienced assistance.
At Pilzer Klein, Social Security Disability cases are all we handle. We know the odds are against most people who apply for benefits for the first time.
A Simpsonville, SC, Social Security disability applications lawyer from our team can boost your chances of approval, ensuring you get your payments sooner. We are here to make the process smooth and painless for you.
Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits in Simpsonville, SC
The forms to apply for Social Security Disability benefits can be completed online, by telephone, or at your local Social Security Administration office. The process appears simple, but you will need to have access to all the documentation they request, or your application will be delayed. The clock will start as soon as you submit your forms, and each case will be reviewed closely.
After you apply, you will be scheduled for a disability hearing for your claim. Thousands of people apply for benefits every year, and each claim must be investigated thoroughly.
Many people find this shocking, but it is something your Social Security disability applications lawyer in Simpsonville, SC, can prepare you to face.
The Hearing
When your hearing is scheduled, you will appear before an Administrative Law Judge in your area. The judge will ask you about your application, your work, your disability, and how your injury or illness has affected your life. You will be able to have a legal representative with you, and you can bring additional information to support your claim that you have gathered while you waited.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Pilzer Klein Law
864-235-0234Eligibility Requirements for Social Security Disability Benefits
To apply for SSDI benefits, you must meet certain requirements. Many people begin receiving Social Security Insurance benefits when they retire, but being eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits is a different process. The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) guidelines for eligibility for SSDI benefits are:
- You have worked long enough to qualify.
- You have worked recently enough.
- You have the required work credits.
- Your disability prevents you from doing your job.
- Your medical condition keeps you from doing any other work.
- Your doctor expects your condition to last at least one year.
- You made less each month than the Social Security limit.
Even if you are not eligible under these criteria, you still have options. In some cases, your circumstances may help you move to the front of the line and access your benefits faster. You may be able to receive a compassionate allowance if you have a terminal disease, your spouse has died, or you have a disabled child. You could also qualify for this allowance if you have an ailment that limits your vision, breathing, heart function, or cognitive abilities.
Each Social Security disability applications attorney in Simpsonville, SC, at Pilzer Klein knows how to assess your situation and tell you what choices you have. We work compassionately with each client to help them receive the benefits they deserve as fast as possible.
Simpsonville Social Security Disability Applications Lawyer Near Me
864-235-0234Waiting for Social Security Disability Benefits Can Be Frustrating
Even if you apply immediately after getting sick or being injured, there is a lengthy waiting process to receive a decision on your benefits. The bills start piling up, and collectors do not care that you have not gotten payments yet. However, you do not need to handle confusing government procedures when you are recovering.
As many as 67% of first-time applications are denied, usually due to missing information, incorrect details, or not enough support for your claim. At Pilzer Klein, a qualified Simpsonville, SC, Social Security disability applications attorney will review your paperwork and keep you from making unnecessary errors. We give each application the care and attention to detail it deserves so you can focus on healing.
If Your Social Security Disability Application Has Already Been Denied
Suppose you have already applied for SSDI benefits, but your request was denied. You may feel like giving up hope after such a long wait. You do not need to be discouraged when you work with the team at Pilzer Klein.
The Social Security Administration must tell you why your claim was denied, and we can help you correct any problems that might have caused the problem. We can also help you put together additional medical documentation that was generated while you were waiting for your hearing.
You have only 60 days to file an appeal before your case is closed. If you have been denied, contact us immediately for a free case review to see if we can help you get back on track for benefits.
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Contact UsAppealing a Denied Social Security Disability Benefits Application
Pilzer Klein attorneys are extremely familiar with the appeals process. We have years of experience appearing before judges and councils and can present your case in the best light.
The four steps for appealing a Social Security Disability claim are:
- Reconsideration: You ask for a review of your claim, along with any new supporting information, by someone who did not review your material the first time.
- Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing: Much like when you had your initial hearing, you appear before a different Administrative Law Judge who will review your claim.
- Appeals Council Review: If the ALJ still denies your claim, you can request a review by the SSA Appeals Council. They will notify you if they accept your request and render a decision.
- Federal Court review: This final level of appeal requires a lawyer to file a legal motion for your case to be heard in a Federal Court. If the court denies your claim, your appeals journey ends.
You do not have to worry about confusing forms or how to request an appeal. Our team will handle all the hard work for you. Your attorney will be by your side at the hearing to make sure you are prepared.
Hire a Simpsonville, SC, Social Security Disability Applications Lawyer Today
At Pilzer Klein, we know you want to get your benefits quickly with minimal hassle. When you hire a Simpsonville, SC, Social Security Disability applications lawyer from our team, you can get started on your claim with a free initial consultation. We listen to your story and work hard to get you the payments you need.
Contact our team today to schedule your free case evaluation.
Call or text 864-235-0234 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form